Goals and stakeholder analysis

Bilia’s focus areas and goals
Bilia’s sustainability goals
During the Capital Markets Days in 2022, Bilia presented updated financial goals as well as sustainability goals. These are based on Bilia's overall vision and business idea of being the industry's best service company - through care for customers, colleagues, and the world we live in.
Through Bilia's vision, goals, and actions, we will offer attractive and innovative comprehensive solutions for the mobile individual. We do this partly through our four focus areas, which are broken down into goals and actions.
Sustainable growth
a. Customer satisfaction should be 3 percentage points higher than the industry average for each brand and country.
The work towards having satisfied customers has been a goal for several years. There are clear ways to work thanks to specific processes, work practices, and deviation follow-up that enable us to meet our customers' needs in the best possible way. In 2023, customer satisfaction was 2.1 percentage points higher than the industry average for each brand and country. To achieve our goal, we continue to work on improvement activities, especially for our newly acquired operations.
b. The proportion of women in sales operations should exceed 30 percent
Bilia believes that a balanced gender distribution has a positive effect on both the work environment and profitability. We aim to increase the proportion of women and focus, as a first step, on the proportion of women in our sales activities. In 2023, the proportion of women in sales activities increased from 16 to 17 percent.
Proportion of women in sales operations 2023
Circular Business Model
The usage of used spare parts related to damage cases should reach to 12 percent in Sweden by 2028.
The goal is linked to our circular business model and aims to increase the usage of used spare parts to better utilize the car at the end of its lifecycle. The objective is for the proportion of used spare parts for damage cases in Sweden to reach 12 percent by 2028. In 2023, the proportion of used spare parts amounted to 7.5 percent, up from 6.0 percent the previous year. Efforts are underway to determine when and how Norway and Western Europe will be included in the goal.
Caring for people
The proportion of engaged employees should exceed the benchmark.
The proportion of engaged employees is an important component in our internal strategy to have proud employees and satisfied customers. During 2023, we had a higher share of engaged employees than benchmark. In connection with the launch of BiliaPulsen in Sweden, different indicators are used in our countries. Sweden: 8.4 compared to the benchmark of 8.0. Norway and Western Europe: 86 compared to the benchmark of 81.
Sweden 2023
Norway and Western Europe 2023
Care for the environment
a. Contribute to lower climate impact for Bilia’s customers through our products and services.
Since the launch of the goal in 2022, Bilia has worked to identify which of our services have scientific grounds for reducing climate impact. We aim to provide clear and transparent information to all our customers on how they can reduce their climate impact through their choice of car and services.
b. Reduced environmental impact caused by our own operations.
To reduce our environmental impact, Bilia has decided to phase out fossil fuels from our internal transport and heating, reduce our energy consumption, and increase the share of renewable energy in Norway while exploring the possibilities of doing the same in Sweden.
Bilia's work with Agenda 2030
Agenda 2030 and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals are developed to eradicate poverty, combat climate change, and ensure a peaceful and inclusive world. It's about all of us working to contribute to the transition towards a more environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable development. Bilia has reviewed the 17 goals and 169 sub-goals of Agenda 2030 and identified the goals that are relevant to Bilia's business, linking them to Bilia's focus areas.
Some Agenda 2030 goals are linked to several of our focus areas. Below you can read more about how we work with Agenda 2030. You can find more information and links to the respective sub-goals in Bilia's sustainability annual report.
Goal 3. Good health and well-being.
We contribute to safety on the roads through servicing and repairing customers' cars. Through service, we can detect potential faults in time before accidents occur, and through ongoing training of our technicians, we can handle the latest models in the best possible way. We also work on replacing hazardous chemical products with less harmful alternatives, maintaining an ongoing dialogue with suppliers, or changing work practices so that the product is no longer needed. We continuously work to increase knowledge about safe working methods that minimize the risks of health issues and environmental damage.
Goal 5. Gender equality
To ensure that women feel welcome and included, Bilia works with core values and culture together with employees, especially those with managerial responsibilities. By working proactively and raising the issue in various contexts, Bilia also aims to show women how interesting and rewarding it is to work in the automotive industry. This can be achieved through specific initiatives to reach young girls for internships or by discussing how the industry as a whole can attract more women. Bilia has, among other things, an enhanced recruitment policy and managers receive ongoing support for competency-based recruitment.
Goal 6. Clean water and sanitation for all
Bilia primarily impacts water through car washes. We continuously work to improve water quality by reviewing our water treatment processes and limiting the use of environmentally hazardous chemicals in our facilities. Our ambition is to use only environmentally certified chemicals, and we work with existing suppliers on this. Follow-up is also regularly conducted through water samples to check if we remain within municipal requirements.
Goal 7. Sustainable energy for all
Bilia can contribute by increasing energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy in the market. Bilia already purchases green electricity and has several ongoing projects to produce its own renewable energy through solar panels. Several facilities within Bilia have solar panels, and in 2023, these produced 1,032 MWh. In addition, Bilia sells E-Cube, an energy storage system made from reused car batteries. In combination with solar panels, E-Cube can store excess energy, thereby enabling increased use of self-produced electricity.
Goal 8. Decent working conditions and economic growth
Through Bilia's core values, we have the conditions to create a good working environment and handle any challenges and conflicts. We work continuously to improve the physical and psychosocial work environment in a systematic way together with employees and union representatives. To welcome young people into working life, we have the vision to offer the best student program in the industry. We do this through internships and cooperation with Swedish motor technical high schools.
Goal 11. Sustainable cities and communities
All car brands that Bilia sells have plans to offer partially or fully electrified passenger cars in the future. By developing cooperation with various car manufacturers, we can ensure that we have a good and diversified product range that meets our customers' expectations. During the year, Bilia also completed two charging stations for electric trucks. In total, we now have four in Södertälje, Kista, Länna and Gällivare. In addition, there are charging stations for electric cars in most facilities, of which the ones in Norrköping and Nyköping are available for public charging.
Goal 12. Sustainable production and consumption
We have a circular business model that ensures we take care of the cars we sell and encourage reuse. With us, you can rent a car, buy a used car, service your car to ensure its longevity, repair damages, and turn in your car for dismantling. All these services and products are important parts of a circular economy and enable Bilia to contribute to better resource use. In addition to promoting circular economy, Bilia also works to spread knowledge about sustainable lifestyles. We do this in our daily work through dialogues with customers about vehicle choices, via our sustainability goals, and information on our website.
However, to achieve sustainable production, efforts must also be made in the value chain and together with suppliers. We continuously work with Bilia's Supplier Code of Conduct and by early 2023, approximately 70 percent of key suppliers had certified that they comply with Bilia's requirements.
Goal 16 Peaceful and inclusive societies
When conflicts or unrest arise in a country, Bilia may be indirectly affected by delayed deliveries, increased prices, or interruptions in the supply of materials. By combating corruption and bribery within Bilia, we hope to contribute to global peace or current conflicts, even if it only has a small impact. We do this through internal processes and controls, particularly through internal audits and whistleblower systems.
Goal 17. Implementation and global partnership
Bilia participates in the exchange of knowledge with the National Association for the Motor Trade, Transport Companies, the Network for Sustainable Business, the UN Global Compact, and local actors such as high schools. We also contribute to knowledge development by participating in various research projects. In the fall of 2023, we launched 'The Circular Car,' a three-year research project together with RISE and several other actors in the value chain. The goal is to develop concepts and collaborations for increased utilization and longer use of vehicles, as well as where recirculation of products and materials is standard practice.
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